Part Two: Ovulation (the release of an egg) is the ‘main event’ or biological objective each menstrual cycle.

After the egg is released from a mature follicle, a temporary gland is created from the remaining tissue.

Corpus Luteum Temporary Gland that produces Progesterone
The gland is called the corpus luteum (meaning ‘yellow body) can grow as large as 4cm.
This gland is responsible for the production of progesterone.
Progesterone will only be produced AFTER ovulation occurs (if ovulation occurs).

When progesterone is produced (in “normal healthy cycles”), progesterone levels are up to 100x the level of estrogen in this part of the cycle (Luteal Phase).

If no ovulation has occurred during the cycle, then progesterone is NOT produced.
(No egg release = no corpus luteum = no progesterone)
A bleed (period) can still occur at the end a cycle when no ovulation has occurred and is known as an anovulatory cycle.

How you can identify whether you’re ovulating?
Track your cycle. You could use a period tracking app or written diary.
Also track your basal body temperature (BBT) throughout your cycle.

Use a digital thermometer immediately upon waking each day before getting out of bed.
If ovulation has occurred, there’s a slight rise in temperature that is sustained during the luteal phase.
When all hormones drop, the bleed starts.
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